Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Bent Wire Hangers in Metal Detecting

Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Bent Wire Hangers in Metal Detecting

Bent Wire Hangers: A Metal Detectorist’s Best Friend

When it comes to metal detecting, one of the most useful tools in your arsenal is a simple bent wire hanger. These humble pieces of wire can have a surprising number of uses when you’re out in the field, from helping you dig targets more effectively to providing a handy tool for retrieving lost items.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the many ways that bent wire hangers can be used by metal detectorists. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these tips and tricks are sure to come in handy on your next hunt.

1. Digging Targets

One of the most common uses for a bent wire hanger is as an improvised digging tool. When you’ve located a target with your metal detector, you’ll need something to help you excavate it without damaging it in the process.

A bent wire hanger is perfect for this job because it’s sturdy enough to break through tough soil and small enough to get into tight spaces. You can use the hook at one end to loosen dirt and rocks around your target before scooping them out with the other end.

2. Retrieving Lost Items

If you drop something while out on a hunt (like your car keys or phone), it can be difficult to find and retrieve without getting down on your hands and knees. That’s where a bent wire hanger comes in handy.

Simply straighten out one end of the hanger and bend it into a hook shape using pliers or by hand if possible. Then use this hook to fish around under bushes or long grass until you snag whatever item was dropped.

3. Scraping Rust Off Coins

Over time, coins that have been buried underground will often develop rust or other types of corrosion on their surfaces. This can detract from their appearance and make them harder to identify properly.

To remove rust from coins, you can use a bent wire hanger as a scraper. Simply bend one end of the hanger into a small, flat blade shape and use it to gently scrape away any rust or dirt from the surface of your finds.

4. Making Custom Tools

If you’re looking for a way to create custom tools for specific tasks while out metal detecting, then bent wire hangers can be an excellent resource. With some pliers and a little imagination, you can bend and shape these wires into all sorts of useful shapes and sizes.

For example, you could make a hook-shaped tool that’s perfect for extracting targets from deep holes in the ground. Or you could create a long, thin probe that’s ideal for pinpointing targets before digging them up.

5. Improvising Equipment Repairs

When something goes wrong with your metal detector while out on a hunt (like if a screw comes loose or part of it breaks off), having some spare materials on hand can be incredibly helpful.

A bent wire hanger is just the thing to have in your kit for improvising equipment repairs. You can use it to fashion replacement screws or bolts by bending it into the right shape and size before threading it through the appropriate hole.

6. Building Support Structures

Sometimes when out metal detecting, you’ll come across larger objects that need support while you dig around them (like old fence posts or tree stumps). In these cases, using bent wire hangers as makeshift support structures can be very effective.

Simply straighten out one end of the hanger and bend it into an L-shape with pliers or by hand if possible. Then push this L-shaped end firmly into the ground next to whatever object needs support before building up dirt around it until everything is secure.

7. Cleaning Out Crevices

Finally, another great use for bent wire hangers is cleaning out crevices between rocks or other tight spaces where dirt and debris can accumulate. This is especially useful when you’re looking for small objects like jewelry or coins that might have fallen into these spaces.

To use a bent wire hanger for cleaning out crevices, simply bend one end into a hook shape and use it to scrape dirt and rocks out of the space in question. You can also wet the end of the hanger with water to help loosen stubborn dirt before scraping it away.

In conclusion, while they may not look like much, bent wire hangers are incredibly versatile tools that every metal detectorist should have in their kit. From digging targets to retrieving lost items and everything in between, there’s no shortage of ways to put them to good use on your next hunt!

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