10 Surprising Civil War Artifacts Uncovered by Metal Detectorists

10 Surprising Civil War Artifacts Uncovered by Metal Detectorists

The Civil War is one of the most extensively studied and chronicled events in American history. It was a time when brother fought against brother, families were torn apart, and the nation was divided. The conflict lasted from 1861 to 1865 and saw some of the most brutal battles ever fought on American soil.

One of the ways that historians have been able to piece together the story of this tumultuous period is through artifacts left behind by soldiers and civilians alike. Metal detecting enthusiasts have played an important role in uncovering these artifacts over the years, allowing us to learn more about what life was like during this era.

In this post, we’ll take a lighthearted look at some of the interesting Civil War artifacts that have been discovered by metal detectors.

1. Bullets

Perhaps the most common artifact found by metal detectorists are bullets from both Union and Confederate armies. These bullets were fired from muskets or rifles during battles, leaving them scattered throughout fields across America’s southern states.

It’s not uncommon for metal detectorists to stumble upon dozens (if not hundreds) of these bullets in a single day of detecting! Some even keep track of how many they find throughout their careers as a sort-of personal record-keeping system.

2. Belt Buckles

Belt buckles are another frequently uncovered item from the Civil War era. Soldiers wore belts with brass buckles bearing insignias representing their regiment or branch of service.

These belt buckles offer insight into which units were present at certain battle sites and can be helpful in piecing together troop movements during specific engagements.

3. Coins

Coins dating back to pre-Civil War days are often found alongside those connected directly with Union or Confederate forces. While not directly related to combat or military operations, coins can tell us much about daily life during those times – including things such as commerce rates between North and South before tensions boiled over into open hostilities.

4. Buttons

Buttons from uniforms worn by soldiers of both the Union and Confederate armies are also common finds for metal detectorists. These buttons offer insight into how troops were dressed and equipped during the conflict.

Some metal detectorists have even uncovered buttons with identifying marks that can be traced back to specific regiments or units, giving historians an even deeper understanding of battlefield logistics.

5. Artillery Shells

While not as common a find as bullets or belt buckles, artillery shells are still discovered frequently enough to warrant their inclusion on our list.

These heavy-duty shells would have been fired from cannons or mortars and could cause significant damage upon impact – often leading to craters in the ground that remain visible today.

6. Dog Tags

Dog tags may be more commonly associated with modern warfare, but they actually date all the way back to the Civil War era!

Soldiers wore these identification tags around their necks so that they could be easily identified in case of injury or death on the battlefield. Metal detectorists who uncover these dog tags can help families piece together what happened to ancestors who served during this time period.

7. Horseshoes

Horses played a big role in Civil War operations – both for transportation purposes and as mounts for cavalrymen. It’s no surprise then that horseshoes are another frequent discovery made by metal detectorists!

Some horseshoes found at battle sites were likely removed from dead horses while others fell off naturally during movement across rough terrain.

8. Pocket Watches

Pocket watches were commonplace before wristwatches became popularized in the early 20th century – making them another item commonly found by metal detecting enthusiasts scouring Civil War-era sites.

Found pocket watches provide insight into daily life during this era including things such as typical work schedules (if one set his watch according to when he should arrive at work), leisure activities (if one set his watch according to when he should meet friends for drinks), and even social status (as pocket watches were expensive luxuries).

9. Canteens

Canteens were essential items for soldiers as they traveled across long distances, often without access to clean water sources.

These metal containers could be filled with water or other liquids to keep troops hydrated during marching or combat operations. Metal detectorists who uncover canteens can help historians understand the logistics of how armies functioned during this time period.

10. Harmonicas

Last but not least on our list of interesting Civil War artifacts found by metal detectorists are harmonicas!

While it may seem odd that musical instruments would have been present at battle sites, it’s important to remember that soldiers were humans too – and many turned to music as a form of comfort or entertainment during difficult times.

Harmonicas made from tin or brass are commonly found at Civil War sites, offering insight into how troops spent their downtime while waiting for orders or taking breaks between battles.

In conclusion, while the Civil War remains one of America’s most tragic periods in history, the artifacts left behind offer us an incredible window into what life was like during those tumultuous years. Metal detectorists play an important role in uncovering these treasures – allowing us all to better understand and appreciate the sacrifices made by those who fought in this conflict.

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